Boston Summer Eats Program, Boston, Massachusetts

Jurisdiction Name: Boston
State/Province: MA
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 685,094
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: Web
Policy type: program
Year: 2018
GFC Topic: community food security
Keywords: community health, education, families, food access, food insecurity, healthy food, healthy food access, neighborhood, program, school
Adopting Government Department(s):

City Council of Boston; City of Boston Mayor's Office

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Boston Mayor's Office of Food Access; Project Bread; YMCA of Greater Boston
Support Entity(s):

Boston Housing Authority; Boston Public Health Commission; Boston Public Library; Boston Public Schools; Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Funding Amount: Up to $460,000 annually
Funding Sources: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Summer Food Service Program: Expansion, Access, Training and Start-Up (SFSP EATS) Grant for New and Existing Sponsors
Policy Outcome(s):

This program was designed to improve access to healthy and affordable food for children under the age of 18, particularly when school is not in session. This program is comprised of five meal sub-programs: Lunch on the Lawn, Books and Bites, Summer Eats at the Bolling Building, Summer Eats at Farmers Markets, and Summer Eats at Boston Housing Authority (BHA) locations. It currently operates at over 110 locations in the Boston area. At the various locations, program participants can also engage in a variety of activities related to literacy, arts and crafts, and physical activity. Families are also welcome to participant in activities, thus fostering the connections between communities and local organizations that may further aid families in improving their livelihoods and well-being. Farmers markets and vendors are also involved in engagement with children and families through the Boston Summer Eats Program. Through their work, the markets and vendors can directly offer participants with information about local food systems and other opportunities that families can engage in that offer low or no-cost meals. In 2017, over 1,000 families were served, and expansion is planned for broader reach throughout the Boston area.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2