Green for Greens: Finding Public Financing for Healthy Food Retail

Publisher: Change Lab Solutions

Author(s): Unger, Serena, Laurison, Hannah, Fry, Christine

Document Type: Guide

Format: Electronic

Free of cost: Yes


This guide provides a general overview of economic development and ideas for how to approach economic development agencies with healthy food retail proposals. It also provides a comprehensive overview of local, state, and federal economic development programs that have been or could be used for healthy food retail projects.

Resource Link: Visit web site

Guide excerpt: Preview

Growing Food Connection Topic: community food connections

Main Food Topics: food access, food assistance, food security, food system

Sub Food Topics: Affordability, agricultural practices, corner store or bodega, farm, farmers market, food infrastructure, food stamps, funding for healthy food projects, grocery store, low-income, underserved population(s), vulnerable population(s)

Public Policy Topics: Non-binding policies, Physical projects, Plans, Programs, Public investment, Regulations/laws

Geographic Scale: County, Municipality, Neighborhood, Region, State/province, Suburban, Urban

Local government or Regional resource focus:

Does the resource address the food security needs of underserved populations in rural, suburban, or urban settings? YES