Penny for Parks, Burlington, Vermont

Jurisdiction Name: City of Burlington
State/Province: VT
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 42,282
Population Range: 20,000 to 49,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: public investment
Year: 2008
GFC Topic: community food connections
Keywords: development, farmland preservation, land use, public funds
Adopting Government Department(s):

City of Burlington

Lead Implementing Entity(s): City of Burlington Department of Parks and Recreation
Support Entity(s):


Funding Amount: $355,000/annually
Funding Sources: Dedicated tax; individual citizen contributions
Policy Outcome(s):

The Investment provides a financial planning and implementation toolkit to address ongoing parks and recreation needs of the community and supports short- and long-range park improvement projects.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2