Zoning Law for Community and Home Gardens, City of Jamestown, NY

Jurisdiction Name: City of Jamestown
State/Province: NY
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 30,345
Population Range: 20,000 to 49,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: legislation and regulations
Year: 2013
GFC Topic: community food production
Keywords: community garden, garden, residential zoning district, soil, urban garden, zoning
Adopting Government Department(s):

City of Jamestown

Lead Implementing Entity(s): City Department of Development
Support Entity(s):


Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Outcome(s):

Provides guidance on where community and home gardens can be located within Jamestown’s zoning code; provides rules about fencing, soil testing, setbacks, signage, composting, watering, and supply storage; and prohibits site users from using pesticides.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1