Team and Partners

Growing Food Connections is a diverse partnership of community experts, researchers, and policy actors from across the United States. 

6 core groups across the GFC activitiesResearchers, educators, students, planners and partners are working within the communities to understand the barriers and innovations to create and provide policy tools and training.  The team uses an integrated approach to generate knowledge, build capacity of communities, and nurture future educators and scholars.

Growing Food Connections was seeded by a grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2012-68004-19894, and continues to be supported by the UB Food Systems Planning and Healthy Communities Lab. 

From 2012-2017, the project was guided by an inaugural National Advisory Committee with representation from diverse disciplines, regions, and backgrounds. Growing Food Connections continues with a diverse partnership of researchers, extension and planning practitioners and food systems stakeholders that play a role in the researchplanning & policy and education advanced by Growing Food Connections.


1 Leadership

Four investigators, representing academic and professional realms, launched the research, practice (extension and planning practice), and education activities of the project, and actively engaged with it from 2012-2017. Since 2017, Growing Food Connections is led and supported by the UB Food Lab faculty affiliates, researchers, and staff.

Founding team members

Samina Raja, PhD190_ub

Principal Investigator, Growing Food Connections

Professor, School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo

Principal Investigator, Food Systems Planning and Healthy Communities Lab


Jill Clark, PhDOSU-John-Glenn-College-Logo-190x29

Co-Principal Investigator, Growing Food Connections

Associate Professor, John Glenn School of Public AffairsOhio State University


Julia Freedgood, MA190_aft

Co-Principal Investigator, Growing Food Connections

Assistant Vice President of Programs, American Farmland Trust


Kimberley Hodgson, MURP, MS, AICP, RD190_chp

Co-Principal Investigator, Growing Food Connections

Principal, Cultivating Healthy Places


American Planning Association2
Founding Partners: American Planning Association

The American Planning Association‘s Planning and Community Health Research Center (PCH) has undertaken significant work in the area of food systems planning. PCH supported the research, policy & practice, and education activities of Growing Food Connections, to strengthen local and regional food systems planning in the United States.


National Advisory Committee3 Founding National Advisory Committee (NAC) Members

A diverse team of advisors from across the United States guided the overall direction of the project at its inception. Inaugural National Advisory Committee members include Will Allen, Timothy Griffin, Mary Hendrickson, Fred Kirschenmann, Young Kim, Kameshwari (Kami) Pothukuchi, Louie Rivers, Jr. and Eduardo Sanchez.

Subject Matter Experts4 Founding Subject Matter Experts

A team of subject matter experts from a wide variety of disciplines helped deliver workshops and trainings in Communities of Opportunity.

Communities of Opportunity5 Communities of Opportunity

Representatives from Communities of Opportunity help advance an understanding of the policy barriers in their communities, and work with Growing Food Connections to facilitate the deployment of policy tools to strengthen food systems.


Communities of Innovation6  Communities of Innovation

Representatives from Communities of Innovation help Growing Food Connections understand the innovative policies, programs and public investments that work to reconnect farmers to food insecure populations in their communities.