Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids Initiative, Denver, Colorado

Jurisdiction Name: Denver
State/Province: CO
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality/County
Population: 600,158
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: PDF
Policy type: ordinance
Year: 2018
GFC Topic: community food security
Keywords: affordable, education, healthy, healthy food access, local food access, low-income, ordinance, sales tax, school meal, youth
Adopting Government Department(s):

Denver City Council

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Healthy Food for Denver's Kids Commission
Support Entity(s):

Denver Department of Public Health & Environment

Funding Amount: Estimated $100 million over ten years (2018-2028)
Funding Sources: Tax payers (through a sales tax increase of 0.08%)
Policy Outcome(s):

The Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids was created through a 2018 ballot initiative to provide healthy food and food-based education to Denver’s youth, specifically those who are low-income and at-risk. The program is funded the 0.08% increase in sales taxes (less than one penny to $10), about $11.2 million in its first year. The tax revenues are distributed through the Denver Food Commission to help provide three meals a day year-round for children, provide cooking, gardening, and healthy eating classes, support local farms, ranches, and food businesses, and support schools and non-profit organizations supporting healthy eating in youth populations. The initiative is planned to run for a total of nine years (2018-2027).

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2