Wyandotte County Land Bank: Section 12. Agreements for Temporary Land Use: Adopt-a-Lot Program

Jurisdiction Name: Wyandotte County
State/Province: KS
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality/County
Population: 161,777
Population Range: 50,000 to 249,999
Policy Links: PDF
Policy type: program
Year: Adopted 2015, Updated 2016
GFC Topic: community food connections, community food production
Keywords: community, community garden, land bank, land use, recreation, vacant land
Adopting Government Department(s):

Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Wyandotte County Land Bank
Support Entity(s):

Land Bank Advisory Board

Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Outcome(s):

This document provides policy and procedure guidelines regarding the Wyandotte County Land Bank. The land bank seeks to make productive use of vacant lands within the community and establishes an adopt-a-lot program to convert vacant land to green space and gardens.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1