GFC team announces new ‘Exploring Stories of Opportunity’ series

In 2015, eight communities from across the county were chosen as Communities of Opportunity (COO), places where there is significant potential to strengthen ties between small and medium –sized farmers and residents with limited food access.  Each Community of Opportunity established a Steering Committee and commenced on charting a vision for their community’s food system.  Through our ongoing partnership with each COO, Growing Food Connections is excited to announce Exploring Stories of Opportunity, a series of case studies that explore how each COO is overcoming barriers to strengthen their food systems through planning, policy, and partnerships within communities. These case studies are informed by extensive research, including the ongoing capacity building of the Growing Food Connections Steering Committees in each Community of Opportunity.

Each case study in the series contains sections highlighting opportunities and challenges within the county’s food system in separate sections on food production and food security.  A following section summarizes the local public policy environment, including ways in which community-led civic organizations and private entrepreneurs have partnered with supportive county, city, and town governments. The case studies conclude with ‘Ideas for the Future’, a section on key future policy and implementation efforts that can strengthen each county’s food system.

Our first case study of the series, Growing a Local Food Economy for a Healthy Wyandotte, draws on interviews with Wyandotte County stakeholders and secondary data sources.  It is designed to inform the work of the Wyandotte Steering Committee, as well as serving as a resource for planners and policy makers in Wyandotte.  Read the full case study to learn how Wyandotte County, KS is transforming their food system and building healthier communities for all their residents:

Exploring Stories of Opportunity: Growing a Local Food Economy for a Healthy Wyandotte