Purdue Extension Helps Local Schools Connect With Local Farmers

The Purdue Extension program in West Layfayette, Indiana is now offering a training to local educators and community members on how to provide high school and elementary students with healthy meals and nutrition education by connecting schools to area farmers. The program is offered through a partnership between Extension and the Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems and the U.S. Department of agriculture’s Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education (SARE) program.


It is a Farm-To-School-Professional Development initiative to teach participants how to locally source more menu items for school food service operations as well as incorporating good eating habits into general education curriculum.  Each of the participating school districts who apply are required to establish action committees consisting of 6-10 members – who may be from school leadership or various actors in the local food system.  All schools, both public and private, K-12 are eligible to apply, and participation is free.

Find the application here: https://www.purdue.edu/dffs/localfood/purdue-resources/f2straining/