Growing Food Connections research assesses how local governments use policy and planning tools to foster connections between farmers and marginalized consumers, and how policy can be used to build more equitable, sustainable, and healthy food systems.

Approach and Activities
Growing Food Connections documents innovative local government food policy. GFC identifies communities pursuing food system planning and policy. GFC gathers information about promising approaches and public policies that both improve food security in marginalized communities and support the economic viability of food production.
In-depth case studies of communities illustrate best practices and develop models local governments can use to improve community food production and community food security through public policy.
GFC’s research is accessible through an online database, policy brief series, and publications.
State of Food Systems Planning in the US
Working with the American Planning Association (APA), the Growing Food Connections team has documented the extent to which professional planners in the United States are engaged in developing and implementing food systems issues. A 2014 national survey of APA members identifed the degree to which they are engaged in developing and implementing partnerships, policies and associated plans that address food access and agricultural viability. Results are documented in several publications (see Publications page).
Understanding Barriers in Communities of Opportunity
A central element of Growing Food Connections’s work is to identify and support the removal of policy barriers in the most vulnerable communities in the United States, or Communities of Opportunity. In its early years, GFC selected 8 sites for in-depth case study research into policy barriers faced by underserved residents and farmers. American Farmland Trust (AFT) provided capacity-building support in these communities to advance local government food policy.
Role of Engaged Work and Extension in Food Systems Change
Community engagement, extension, and outreach is a vital component of Growing Food Connections. Through engaged work, GFC ensures that the knowledge and information generated by the project reaches a broad audience.
Advancing Food Systems Planning Education in the US
Growing Food Connections team conducts research on the opportunities for and barriers to promoting food systems planning through graduate-level education, and helps advance food systems planning education in the US. GFC maintains a directory of food system educators in the United States.