East Wenatchee Ordinance No. 2013-03

Jurisdiction Name: East Wenatchee
State/Province: WA
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 13,190
Population Range: 2,500 to 19,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: ordinance
Year: 2013
GFC Topic: community food production
Keywords: agriculture, animal husbandry. animal permit, animals, backyard animals, backyard chickens, chickens, goats, keeping of animals, land use, local, local food production, rural agriculture, small animals, urban agriculture, zoning
Adopting Government Department(s):

City Council of the City of East Wenatchee

Lead Implementing Entity(s): n/a
Support Entity(s):


Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Outcome(s):

This ordinance addresses agriculture on residential zoned parcels and the keeping of farm animals within the city. Changes were made to the city code that include a set of agricultural definitions and new amendments that permit small farm animals, large farm animals, domestic fowl, pot belly pigs, and miniature goats as part of a 4H, Future Farmers of America, or similar program, or as a pet or companion animal on residential zoned parcels. There are particular standards for minimum pasture areas, the specific animals permitted, the size of animals, and enclosures needed for animals. Commercial keeping of such animals is prohibited on these lots. The keeping of peacocks, roosters, male poultry, and swine (other than miniature potbelly pigs) is prohibited.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1

Lancaster County Blue Ribbon Commission on Agriculture, Motion February 22, 2005

Jurisdiction Name: Lancaster County
State/Province: PA
Country: United States
Type of Government: County
Population: 519,445
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: PDF
Policy type: motion
Year: 2005
GFC Topic: community food production
Keywords: advisory group, agricultural economy, agriculture, agriculture commission, commission, economic development, farm, farmland, farmland preservation, food production, land use, preservation, production, rural, rural agriculture, zoning
Adopting Government Department(s):

Board of Lancaster County Commissioners

Lead Implementing Entity(s): n/a
Support Entity(s):

The Woods Charitable Foundation

Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: The Woods Charitable Foundation
Policy Outcome(s):

Over 100 citizens served on the implementation working groups and made recommendations focused on economic development, communications and leadership, farmland preservation, tax equity, and zoning; some work has been done on incorporating the Commission recommendations into Balance and the Growth Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2

Eat Well! El Paso, El Paso, Texas

Jurisdiction Name: El Paso
State/Province: TX
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 649,121
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: Web
Policy type: program
Year: 2013
GFC Topic: community food connections, community food production
Keywords: children, families, health, health food, health promoting, healthy choices, healthy eating, nutrition education
Adopting Government Department(s):

El Paso City Council

Lead Implementing Entity(s): City of El Paso Department of Public Health
Support Entity(s):

El Paso Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Colleges of Health Science at the University of Texas at El Paso

Funding Amount: $296,571 from August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2017
Funding Sources: Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living
Policy Outcome(s):

Eat Well! El Paso is a program with the goal of improving “the local food environment by expanding healthy food options for children and their families.” The program also advocates for, and educates, on the health impacts of eating good food. The program also hosts a ‘restaurant initiative,’ which encourages and subsequently recognizes restaurants that modify their menus to provide healthier food and beverage options to children. Only a year after the program’s implementation, 25 locally-owned restaurants participated in the restaurant initiative; by 2017, this number had increased to a total of 33 restaurants. The program has since expanded to encourage and recognize modified adult menus, food trucks, and chain restaurants. Eat Well! El Paso also offers nutrition training during food handler classes.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2

Elder Services, Meals-on-Wheels Program, Cumberland County, Maine

Jurisdiction Name: Cumberland County
State/Province: ME
Country: United States
Type of Government: County
Population: 288,204
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: Web
Policy type: program
Year: 2015
GFC Topic: community food security
Keywords: food access, food security, food support programs, healthy food, healthy food access, nutrition, seniors
Adopting Government Department(s):

Cumberland County

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Southern Maine Agency on Aging
Support Entity(s):

Meals on Wheels America

Funding Amount: $10,000
Funding Sources: Cumberland County Community Development Block Grant Program
Policy Outcome(s):

Allocates grant funds to provide homebound older adults in the City of South Portland with up to five meals per week, typically delivered frozen, two days per week; the Agency also provides “wellness checks” and “friendly visits” to program participants; program was re-approved for funding from the same source in the 2016-2020 Action Plan for Cumberland County Community Development Department. An estimated 150 clients and 12,570 home-delivered meals were served in 2015-16.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2

City of Portland, Maine, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14, Land Use

Jurisdiction Name: Portland
State/Province: ME
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 66,649
Population Range: 50,000 to 249,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: legislation and regulations
Year: 2014
GFC Topic: community food production
Keywords: agriculture, community, farmers, farming, food waste, land use, ordinance, physical infrastructure, processing, zoning
Adopting Government Department(s):

City of Portland

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Planning and Urban Development Department
Support Entity(s):

Planning Board

Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Outcome(s):

Defines agriculture and agricultural practices, including tilled land, nurseries, greenhouses and truck gardens, as permitted uses within specified residential zones; allows products produced on the premises to be sold on the premises; allows a single stand of no more than 200 square feet floor area for the sale of agricultural products; permits the parking and storage of agricultural equipment, so long as it is not in the front yard; defines the use of conservation easements over agricultural land; sets forth regulations on the spreading, storage, stockpiling and disposal of manure and fertilizers for agricultural use; regulates the size and proximity of allowed agricultural practices, such as tilled land and grazing areas, in regards to water bodies, coastal wetlands, tributary streams and freshwater wetlands. Provides for seafood processing for human consumption in certain commercial zones and food preparation (i.e. commercial kitchen) in industrial zones (though not for service at those sites). Creates regulation on food waste disposal from packaging/processing facilities. Provides guidelines about food service (restaurant) locations and food processing in waterfront and commercial zones.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1

Sustainable Food Policy Board, Ordinance No. 20081120-058

Jurisdiction Name: Austin
State/Province: TX
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 790,390
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: ordinance
Year: 2008
GFC Topic: community food connections, community food security
Keywords: access, advisory group, affordability, food access, food policy, food policy council, food security, food systems, local, local food, planning, planning tool, sustainability, sustainably grown food
Adopting Government Department(s):

Austin City Council

Lead Implementing Entity(s): n/a
Support Entity(s):

Travis County Commissioners

Funding Amount: not available
Funding Sources: not available
Policy Outcome(s):

established the Austin-Travis County Sustainable Food Policy Board; the Board produced the Austin-Travis County Sustainable Food Policy Board Yearly Planning Tool outlining priority policy objectives (see Additional Resources for more details)

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2

Greenscapes, the Green Infrastructure Element of the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan, Resolution No. 5 of 2009

Jurisdiction Name: Lancaster County
State/Province: PA
Country: United States
Type of Government: County
Population: 519,445
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: resolution
Year: 2009
GFC Topic: community food production
Keywords: agriculture, development, farmland, food production, green infrastructure, growth, habitat, infrastructure, land use, plan, production, public funds, rural, rural agriculture, rural areas, rural land use, urban growth area, wildlife, wildlife habitat
Adopting Government Department(s):

Lancaster County Planning Commission

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Lancaster County Planning Commission, Lancaster County Green Infrastructure Project Committee
Support Entity(s):


Funding Amount: $250,000
Funding Sources: consultant assistance
Policy Outcome(s):

part of the Agriculture and Rural Lands Planning Program, which was formed to guide county and municipal planning policy regarding areas that should be conserved for their agricultural and/or natural resources, and sustaining the towns and villages as the county

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1

Local Food Planning Strategic Action Plan, Resolution No. 11-23

Jurisdiction Name: Story County
State/Province: IA
Country: United States
Type of Government: County
Population: 89,542
Population Range: 50,000 to 249,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type: resolution
Year: 2010
GFC Topic: community food connections
Keywords: buy local, community garden, distribution, farm, farmer, farmland, farmland access, food distribution, food processing, food procurement, food production, food security, food systems, food systems planning, local, local food, local food production, new farmer initiatives, plan, planning, processing, procurement, production, strategic, strategic action plan, strategic plan
Adopting Government Department(s):

Story County Board of Supervisors

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Story County Planning and Zoning
Support Entity(s):


Funding Amount:
Funding Sources:
Policy Outcome(s):

resolution to adopt a local food planning strategic action plan; strategies address accessing farmland, farm labor, local food processing, food distribution

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1

Urban Food Zoning Code Update, Ordinance No. 185412

Jurisdiction Name: Portland
State/Province: OR
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 583,776
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Links: WebPDF
Policy type:
Year: 2012
GFC Topic: community food production, community food security
Keywords: access, agriculture, community food and agriculture, community garden, farmers market, food access, food retail, food system, land use, local food access, local food production, urban, urban agriculture, zoning
Adopting Government Department(s):

Portland City Council

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Support Entity(s):

Portland-Multnomah Food Policy Council, Oregon Public Health Institute. Bureau of Development Services, Bureau of Transportation, Communities Putting Prevention to Work, Multnomah County Health Department

Funding Amount: $7.5 Million
Funding Sources: Oregon Public Health Institute, Communities Putting Prevention to Work, Multnomah County Health Department
Policy Outcome(s):

This comprehensive policy addresses many aspects of the food system through innovative zoning in Portland, Oregon. The zoning code amendments address the following topics: market gardens, community gardens, food membership distribution sites and farmers’ markets. Previously, market gardens were allowed only in designated agricultural use areas, community gardens were allowed in all zones, and food membership distribution sites were not mentioned in the zoning code.  The zoning codes were amended so that all of these activities would be allowed in all zones with regulations to mitigate impacts.

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2

Participatory Budgeting Process, Resolution No. 12-064 N.C.

Jurisdiction Name: Vallejo
State/Province: CA
Country: United States
Type of Government: Municipality
Population: 115,942
Population Range: 50,000 to 249,999
Policy Links: PDF
Policy type: resolution
Year: 2013
GFC Topic: community food production
Keywords: budget, community garden, education, fresh produce, nutrition, nutrition education, participatory budgeting, public funds, tax
Adopting Government Department(s):

Vallejo City Council

Lead Implementing Entity(s): Office of the City Manager, Planning Division, Department of Public Works, The Participatory Budgeting Project, Vallejo People
Support Entity(s):


Funding Amount: $146500
Funding Sources: Measure B sales tax revenue (30% of the 1% sales tax monies)
Policy Outcome(s):

Established participatory budgeting that enabled Vallejo residents to vote on projects to receive Measure B funds; 2013 Participatory Budgeting Cycle provided $146,500 in funding for community garden projects

Additional Resources and Information: Link 1Link 2